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Please login to request Electronic Ordering (EDI)
You can send your orders as electronic files instead of manually keying them into our webstore.
We currently have two methods of integration;
There are many benefits of setting up EDI ordering;
BTC's CSV EDI method, uses a comma separated (.csv) spreadsheet format. The order files are transmitted over the internet using your FTP account .
How does this service work?
EDI XML is a web service for processing sales orders which is
sometimes referred to as an ‘API’. The web service makes itself available over the internet and
uses a standardised XML messaging system. XML is used to encapsulate
How does this service work?
XML EDI benefits
Yes, our web services are available for all customers and the BTC web team will assist you with set up. For XML and bespoke systems you may need to involve a 3rd party e-Commerce supplier/ developer.
Electronic orders are of most use to those who already have their own e-Commerce website. EDI can also be linked to Purchase Order (PO) systems. If you are looking to set up an e-Commerce website visit Product Data (e-Commerce).
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. ‘Extensible’ means users can define their own customised Mark-up Language ‘tags’.
For new website set ups please use BTC Product Data. If your website is already set up please contact the websupport team with details, to see how we can map your data.